Governing Body - Exe Valley Federation
Governor Roles within the Exe Valley Federation
The Exe Valley Federation Governing Board’s main objective is to ensure that our pupils progress appropriately in their education to become active global citizens. For this to happen well-led professional and enthusiastic staff support and challenge pupils, working together in a safe, creative and caring environment. Governors appreciate too the roles of parents and carers and their need to be satisfied with the overall leadership and management of the schools and how it affects the safety, learning and well-being of their children. To achieve their objectives governors must continually evaluate the role they play within the life of the schools, and publish relevant information to all interested parties. This statement and report are part of that evaluation and publication process, along with regular reports to parents via the weekly newsletters following governor board meetings, parent questionnaires, parent forums and curriculum learning walks.
Our Governing Board is made up of 15 governors – EHT, 2 Parents, 1 Staff, 1 Local Authority, 3 Foundation [including 1 ex-officio] & 8 Co-opted. Governors are recruited for the skills that they bring to the board. You can find out a bit more about each governor by looking at the governor tab on our website, along with information about governor attendance at meetings and our board meeting minutes.
Governors play an important part in the strategic leadership of the Exe Valley Federation and have collective responsibility for all seven schools. When schools join the federation there is always a period of adjustment as schools no longer have a full governing board focused exclusively on their school. The way we have overcome this is by making sure that there are governors who are linked to each school and get to know the children, staff and the community. The link governors for each school are on the governor section of our website and can be found on each school’s notice board.
As part of their role as link governors, they receive a comprehensive report from their Head of School every term. The governors have the opportunity to ask questions and to discuss the progress that the school is making at the following board meeting. Link governors also attend Parent Forums, Curriculum Reviews, Health & Safety visits and Safeguarding visits at their school.
It has been difficult for governors to visit schools regularly over the last three years but I know that the link governors have been able to spend more time in school over the last year. If you do have concerns or questions that you think governors can help with, please do email the link governors in your school via the school office.
We hold 2 Full Board meetings a term. The Executive Head and the Heads of School reports are sent to governors two weeks before meetings. Governors in turn send their strategic questions within a week, allowing time for answers to be brought to board meetings for discussion, ensuring good use of everyone’s time. Our meetings are held alternatively at each school and run from 6 – 8pm. Diary dates for the year are agreed at the beginning of each new school year.
Our Federation Development Plan [FDP] which is on our website is written and linked to our 5 year Strategic Development Plan. Each governor is allocated an area of the FDP to monitor which is reviewed together by governors and Heads of School termly. Governor’s compile a yearly report on the impact and next steps which is discussed with the senior leadership at the strategic analysis and planning meeting which will be held on 18th June.
The role of a governor is a complex one, requiring considerable depth of insight into current educational practice as well as an understanding of the wider educational landscape and continuing pressure on budgets. As a governing board we are fortunate in having members who have the required skills, expertise and commitment to fully support the seven schools in the federation. The governors of the EVF put the learning and well-being of the children in all its schools at the heart of all they do and will continue to provide appropriate levels of support and respectful challenge to the leadership team in the coming year.
Jackie Enright
Chair of Governors
23rd September 2023